Ventured out of Kochi yesterday through the backwaters not far to the south. Saw a kingfisher but was moving too fast to get a decent photo. Leaving Tuesday for Munnar and some wildlife preserves. Che is big among much of the youth in Kerala, especially in the smaller villages. A North Indian about my age bemoaned this fact to me after we were talking to some locals about it, denouncing Che as a butcher who killed whoever he wanted. I found out from a woman working in Kollam I've been speaking with online that the timed blackouts are occuring because the first monsoon was a "soft" one, and therefore did not provide enough hydroelectric power at the dams. Not much in the mood for description, but I'll leave you all with some pictures.

Remembering the Master: An Inelegant Eulogy for Kory Heath
Kory was an auteur game designer in every sense.
3 months ago
1 comment:
In Che’s defense, he also chose not to kill some people. That has to be worth something…right…maybe?
I wonder what constitutes a “light” monsoon. That’s like saying a “light” case of Chlamydia. One causes a black out while the other’s a result of a blackout.
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