Consisting of the cogitations of the crowned King Merrygold; arrayed in reverse chronology; appended by the animadversions of sundry pundits, bluestockings, braintrusters, longhairs, dunces, clods, tomfools, and dullards.
I Found the Coconut
I can't write much because they are after me now, the men painted white. They say something like "om tare tutare ture soha." I think because i find the coconut with the camera card and the other maps. I must follow this person to Cabo de Rama. These are the only snaps on the camera card. -Jerome
"Down with a world in which the guarantee that we will not die of starvation has been purchased with the guarantee that we will die of boredom." —Raoul Vaneigem "It is quite enough to love, to hate, to desire, simply to feel, and right away the spirit and power of the dream overcome us, and with our eyes open, coldly contemptuous of all danger, we climb up on the most hazardous paths to scale the roofs and spires of fantasy—without any sense of dizziness, as if we had been born to climb, we somnambulists of the day! We artists!" —Friedrich Nietzsche
HP Photosmart C4380 Series Driver Windows e Mac
HP Photosmart C4380 Series Driver Windows e Mac
Baixe o mais recente software e os drivers para seu HP Photosmart C4380
7 Quick Tips to Make Your Bingo Games More Fun
It is enjoyed all around the world but is popular in U.S , U.K and
Australia. It is enjoyed numbers printed on the site. Now days they're
played on display...
inspiration, derivation, or no relation? (3)
"We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to
interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word
has been sp...
The Handicap Stall
The bathroom closest to my office has two handicap stalls. One is much
larger and has a window. I get the stink eye every time I use the big
handicap stall...
So I was really impressed with Mad Max last night and walked away having a
lot to say about it. Rather than summing things up in some schlocky es...
still walking
I had a terrible blow out with my roommate yesterday. After a year of
living under her controlling rules and three weeks of irritated silence
about our new...
20 Questions for Akenia
Because I'm starting this game next week and I'm actually pretty excited
about it, I figured I'd go ahead and answer Jeff's twenty questions for
Akenia. ...
New Carter Tutti Single - 'Coolicon'
We have a new single out on *20th May* on 10" Green Vinyl and Digital
*For more details go HERE*
*Listen to audio clip HERE*
Introductions were made as I grabbed grocery bags and set them in the back
of the white Mercedes van. A week prior, I agreed to spend twenty four
hours som...
There But For Gratuitous Grace
I had the please of speaking with KMO and Olga K about "psychedelics, drug
addiction, magical thinking, paranoia, fate, and spirituality" on the
C-Realm Po...
Quite Charming: Meaningful and Fashionable Jewelry
I know it's been a while since I last posted, and contrary to popular
belief, I have not dropped off the face of the Earth. Unfortunately, I had ...
Czech Yourself
I'M GOING TO PRAGUE! In September, with an awesome friend.
I'm so excited!
How excited am I? Am I excited enough to make a folder called "Prague Rock"
Name: You
Age: 30
Sex: Male
About you: je ne peut je ne peux je peut pas parler le francais francais je
peut pas parler francais ne peut pas pas du tout ...
Or is it the Clothes You Wear?
On Sunday there was a marathon of Dungeons & Dragons going on in my living
area. So I took that as a prime opportunity to watch *Georgy Girl*, the
1966 f...
Dropped twenty large today...
Another Saturday spent blowing our berries on bangtails—now we're on the
nut again with no case dough and no real lays. No leads on the
shape-shifter and n...
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